7 Tips in Producing a Corporate Video for Your Association

Corporate video production refers to audio-visual corporate communications material commissioned primarily for a use by a company, corporation or organisation (Reference: Wikipedia).

We all know that corporate videos tell us something about the owner of the corporate video. But, how do you come up with a compelling corporate video? By compelling, I mean a corporate video that will attract the people that you want to learn about your company, corporation, or organization. By compelling, I mean a corporate video that will clearly convey the “right message” to the “right people”.

I never thought that I would ever need to worry about coming up with a corporate video as an Association Manager. My perfect plan is to just hire a professional team of video editors. Voila! I will have the corporate video that we will launch in time for our association’s anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

I am not an expert in video editing but I would like to share with you the 7 things I have learned about producing a corporate video for an association based from my experience.

1. Hire a professional team of videographers and video editors – Leave the technical aspect of video recording and video editing to the experts.

2. Testimonial type of video works – A testimonial type of video worked for our association. The corporate video featured members telling the viewers why they took the program and how the Program impacted their professional career. We picked members that will represent the different industries where members work.

3. Identify the key personalities that will be featured in your association’s corporate video – You do not need to look far because you can get the personalities within your association’s board of directors or trustees. You may also want to contact the past presidents and directors of the association. Associations are volunteer-driven and featuring your board members as the key personalities in your association’s corporate video is an added-value for your volunteers. It is also one of the many ways that you can entice your members to be active and get involved in the initiatives of the association.

4. Choose the video shooting location – The location will set the tone of the video. You can rent a place or you can simply prep up a meeting room. Just make sure that the location is not exposed to noises such as the sound of a ringing telephone or the sound of cars passing by. It will also help if the location has a good lighting. According to the videographer, a good time to shoot is early in the morning when the sun is just about to rise and late afternoon when the sun is hiding.

5. Schedule the shoot – It is always a challenge to gather your board members all together at once. If you have a scheduled event where the board members will attend, you can ask them to free-up their time already so you can gather them after the event. If not, give them 2-3 schedules to choose from. To save up on the cost on the professional fee videographers as well as the rental of the video location, inform your board members of the target date of video recording ahead of time so everybody will be present for the shoot and you will not need to pay for the additional shoot and for the rental of the video location.

6. Dress code – Inform your key personalities about the dress code for the video shoot. It is advisable to have them wear solid colors for easy editing. Discourage them in wearing white as it will be hard for the video editors.

7. Prepare guide questions – Guide questions should be disseminated to the key personalities and give them enough time to think about what they will answer. There is no need for them to submit their answers to the guide questions. As the term implies, the guide questions are just their guide. Their answers to the guide questions should not be scripted. Anybody can easily detect if what the person is saying in the video is scripted.

The most important lesson that I learned from producing the corporate video of the association is you have got to know your association. You should know by heart what your association is all about so that you will be able to produce a video that will tell the audience who you are as an association. Yes, hiring professionals is a big help. You can depend on them on getting a good quality video recording and creative video effects but you cannot depend on them when it comes to the video content. Be very vigilant in getting the right key words and phrases that you would like to highlight in the video. Ask your video editor to make it graphically memorable to make sure that you get viewers’ attention. For our association’s corporate video, I had to watch and review the video recordings over and over again to be able to get the powerful messages from each of the key personalities and to be able to put it all together to come up with a compelling and cohesive corporate video.

I hope that these few tips will help you come up with a compelling corporate video for your own association.

Best Christmas Gifts of the Year – Get Your Shopping Done Now

With Christmas right around the corner, it is a great idea to get all your shopping done right now. Shopping in store these days can be one of the hardest parts of doing your Christmas shopping. The whole point in shopping online is so you do not have to fight the crowds and long lines.

Ask yourself this “What is the point in shopping early and online”.

1. When you shop online or early you save money and time. It is a good idea to start now, most of the time doing your shopping now will save you more money. When you start to shop online it is a good idea to look around at some of the larger shopping sites, such as Amazon, Ebay, stores that give you plenty of info on the product you are looking for. Shopping at these stores will save you more money then going to the mall. Amazon is a little cheaper on most products then any other store online. Shopping online may not have coupons but they will still save you more money when it comes down to everything. Just think if you go to the store, fighting the crowned alone is not fun at all, I hate the crowded places. After you spend the gas going to where ever you shop at, then fighting the long lines and all the other stress adds up to a lot. So when you shop online you do not worry about all that.

2. Shopping online is stress free. Getting your shopping out of the way within a few hours is great. When you know what you want all you have to do is go to the online store and buy. If you do not know what you want it is still pretty easy all you have to do is browse around till you find what you are looking for. Amazon has everything right there in one place and one website. Back to fighting the crowds, what about parking spots. You cannot ever find a parking spot, and then when you do, you have to park a mile away. By the time you get to the front door, you already forgot what you needed.

3. When you get everything done with your shopping, then comes the wrapping. If you are anything like me wrapping your gifts takes forever. So when you get everything online you will get it in a few days and then have plenty of time to wrap everything. If you do not wait till the last minute. Waiting until the last minute to shop, means that you have to stay up all night wrapping. We call that an all niter where I come from, and that is no fun.

There have been a number of times when I have stayed up all night wrapping gifts and then only to realize that I have put the wrong names on the gift, because I was so tired from staying up all night. So when you start your shopping online you have plenty of time to wrap and just relax while everyone else runs around like crazy people. You want to make sure that you get what people want. Everyone has a different list of stuff. Not every store has the same stuff. So shopping online at Amazon or places like that will have everything you want, it is like a one stop shop. It is really hard to find what each person wants. Everyone is a different age, they all want something of a different level. New fads, new this new that. With Amazon they have a top ten list so you can keep up with everything for everyone. This make Christmas shopping one of the easiest processes online.

So when you shop online it makes everything so much easier. The purpose of shopping online for your Christmas gifts is to reduce the stress level in your life. Places like Amazon will give you the biggest and best variety for anyone on your list. Make sure you start now so you can get everything done. Give yourself a brake this year, do something for yourself and make Christmas shopping easy.

How to Find Work As a Radiology Technician

Do you want to work with x-ray machines or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? If so, then you will enjoy serving as a radiology tech in the medical field helping doctors who need an internal view of bodies without surgical procedures. Tips for getting hired as a radiology tech and landing the perfect job requires proper education and in some businesses, will require prior experience. Education is important when seeking work as a radiology tech. Although there is no minimum educational requirement to work with x-ray or MRI, the more education and training you have, the better your chances are of being hired for a job.When you begin your coursework to become a Licensed Radiology Technician, the goal to keep in mind is to complete your classes with top scores. Although you may only have to show a course completion certificate, your grade point average in overall coursework may give you the edge over your competitors. You will be required to take a certification test from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. In most cases, you may be eligible to work as a radiological tech after completing a two-year associate’s degree in a Radiology Tech program. Most radiology techs, however, go on to complete a four-year program before testing for the license. It may take an average of two to five years to complete radiology tech educational requirements. After gaining employment, continuing education is required to maintain the most current technological training in the ever-changing and improving medical field.Radiology tech jobs may be advertised in local newspapers or on hospital websites. Available work may also be found on lists at a local workforce employment office, a temporary job agency or at a job fair. After completing all educational requirements and obtaining proper licensure, a radiology tech may first want to inquire with the college or school for employment assistance since some employers work directly with colleges to hire graduates. If using the local newspaper or hospital job announcements, you will need a resume and a copy of your transcript when applying for employment. While waiting for full time employment, radiology techs may gain much needed experience by serving as a temporary or a part-time tech.When using the internet to search for employment, radiology techs may find websites specifically related to their field. Employers list their job on internet websites, which helps a radiology technician to locate a job opening locally as well as in other states. With proper training and licensure, jobs may be available as ultrasound techs, sonographers, CT technologists, and mammography techs. The field of radiology offers a variety of employment opportunities.If you are interested in becoming a radiology technician, complete the required education, which will take two to five years. After the coursework is completed, take the exam to become a Licensed Radiology Technician. Search for employment opportunities in your newspaper help wanted section or on hospital websites. There may also be job offers in small medical clinics and dental offices. Other jobs may be listed at temporary agencies or employment offices. With education and tenacity, you will find the perfect job as a radiology tech.