Improve Health and Fitness With Nutrition – Supplying Vitamins and Mineral Supplements

Vitamins and minerals supplement can improve your health. There were controversies about the daily use of supplements. Many studies have proved that taking multivitamin and multi mineral supplement regularly does not cause any harm but helps in improving the health and fitness. They facilitate the smooth functioning of the entire body by providing the essential nutrition.It is proved beyond doubt that anti oxidants are more effective when taken for long periods. Vitamin A, E and C are known as anti oxidants. They have the ability to remove toxic free radicals or cells from the body. These toxins and free radicals cause various diseases from allergy to cancer. Anti oxidant vitamins, gradually, build up the resistance power.B vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and B12 helps in over all body functions. Vitamin D strengthen the bones, vitamin K and folic acid helps blood. A multivitamin aids many body functions.Minerals are also essential. Calcium is needed in plenty for the bone, marrow and blood. Other minerals like potassium, iodine, sodium, selenium, zinc, copper etc. are required in small amounts. Some of them help in hormone production. Iodine helps in producing thyroid hormone. Some helps in body protection like selenium and potassium.Hence, a multivitamin and multi mineral supplement helps in improving over all body functions like circulation, hormone production, digestion, assimilation and nerves.          We can not get the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals from our best nutritious food. It is always not possible to eat nutritious food either despite best of our intentions. Addition of a multivitamin and multi mineral to the regular food sounds practical and useful.Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in our body can cause variety of health problems. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness and reduced vision, vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. Similarly a host of diseases are caused. Some may become chronic with passage of time.Good news is that we may avoid vitamins and minerals associated health problems with proper supplements and care. But, you should always remember that supplements are supplements and not replacement of healthy food. Without food, they will not work. Their nutrition providing ability is nullified. Taken under proper guidance, they can prove to be be very beneficial. You become healthy, fit and radiant.Quality of life also improves and gets better when you are physically fit and healthy. That, in turn, improves your mental health too. You become more positive and confident. I believe the old proverb ‘sound mind in a sound body’.I am running an internet business. I keep myself healthy and fit as i combine healthy food with good supplements barring very occasional splurge of rich food. After all, i am human too. I believe, being health conscious and proactive is very beneficial.